Witchy Community Tag Video
9:57 AMHi everyone!
I found this tag video questions on YouYube the other day and decided to make a video of my own responses.
I encourage everyone in the witch community to share their own video responses or comment below.
Here's a list of the questions:
1.) What type of witch are you?
2.) Can you show us your pentacle pendant or other sacred symbol of jewelry you wear?
3.) Have you ever considered joining or creating a coven or circle?
4.) How do you feel about online covens and circles?
5.) When and how did you first find out about witchcraft/wicca?
6.) When did you 1st realize you were a witch? What made you realize that?
7.) How old were you when you 1st started practicing?
8.) What was the 1st spell you ever casted? Did it work?
9.) Have you ever had a spell fail or backfire?
10.) Where do you feel your power comes from?
11.)Which element do you feel connected to the most?
12.) What is the 1st Witchy Thing you ever bought yourself?
13.) What is the name of your favorite Tarot Deck?
14.) What are some of your favorite: herbs, incense, and crystals?
15.) How do you feel about witches depicted in books, movies, and TV shows?
16.) Can you recommend some books, websites, and other resources to us on witchcraft/wicca?
17.) Do you ever doubt your craft?
18.) Have you ever experienced "Spiritual Burnout?" Any advice on that?
19.) What made you want to share your life as a witch on social media?
20.) Tell us something you know now that you wish you knew when you began walking your path.
21.) Can you share a simple craft with us?
22.) Any tips/ words of wisdom for newbies?
23.) Shout Out Some Witchy Channels...
24.) Name some magickal places you wish to visit.