Simple Wishing Spell

8:28 AM

Before starting, take a few moments and some deep breaths to clear your mind.  Take a pen and a small piece of paper and write down your wish.

When you have written your wish, light a candle and stare at the flames for a few moments. Concentrate on your wish and visualize it coming true.

Take 5 - 10 minutes for your visualization.  After you have created a vivid picture in your mind of the wish being fulfilled, burn the paper in the candle flames while saying the following words:

Candle shining in the night
With your flame enchanted,
By the powers of magic might
May my wish be granted.
When the candle sheds its gleam
At the mystic hour,
Let fulfillment of my dream
Gather secret power.
Flame of magic, brightly burn,
Spirit of the fire.
Let the wheel of fortune turn,
Grant me my desire.
So mote it be.

This spell is inspired from:

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